Monday, September 30, 2013

Monthly Summary - September

I posted in Monthly summaries for Groups #3 and #4
Monthly Summary

                During the month of September I began looking at brain and mind based learning and development theories as the focus of my research for this course.  I spent a lot of time working through the details of the physical structures of the brain and how they work together in cognition, learning and memory.  From here, I worked out a literature review that focused on my findings during the research phase.  Of specific interest were the works focused on understanding the triune brain and how each structure supports a unique function while still collaborating towards the unified activity involved in cognition.  Also considered were the importance of the brain’s plasticity allowing for new learning to occur through repetition and patter recognition as older under used information is lost.  Finally a distinction was made between the concept of the brain and the typical yet very generic comparison that is made between it and what we think of as a computer system.

                For the next step in this process I am turning my attention to the program review looking for examples of brain based learning technique being put to use in the practice of adult learning.  I have begun by searching the internet using key word combinations such as “brain-based Learning”.  So far I found a school that offers degree programs in brain based learning so I am interested to see what comes from a closer look there.  I have also found lots of theory but not a great deal of in practice discussion.  Honestly this doesn’t much surprise me.  I think that the topic while very timely is not one that lends itself to flashy program design.  This is an issue I think I will contend with for much of this course. 

Once I have identified a solid program I will conduct a deep dive into its inner workings and try to pull out the main points for review.  I need to really look hard at the instructions for the assignment and make sure that I am covering the requested material.  I feel like there is a lot of room for error in this especially with regard to the topic I have selected.  I would like to identify two to three different programs to review and hopefully they will provide me with enough information to make a successful study.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Brain & Learning






The Brain & Learning

William C. Cathcart

Ball State University

EDA 635: Strategies for Teaching Adults

September 20, 2013




This unique structure represents the gateway to all learning and understanding at all levels.  This paper represents a brief and high level summary of the research that has been done to understand the brain what implications that research has on our efforts to create more effective learning strategies.



The Brain & Learning


The study of any particular learning modality can be approached and segmented from any number of perspectives.  One could for example seek to understand the impact of environmental factors on adult learning.  Another might take interest in various learning theories and their competing perspectives with regard to human cognition and retention.  Since very early time the question of how we as individuals take in, process and understand information has been a study of much debate.  Regardless of the focus, no true discussion of learning and development can truly occur without first an examination the structure and function of the brain. 

The volume of research aimed at unraveling the inner workings of the brain has grown exponentially in recent years.  According to Reardon (Winter 98/99) in the past ten years, the educational field has learned more about how the brain works than in the previous ninety.  The great leaps forward in our understanding are largely related to rapidly improving and expanding technologies and our continued pursuit of understanding.

This unique structure represents the gateway to all learning and understanding at all levels.  This paper represents a brief and high level summary of the research that has been done to understand the brain what implications that research has on our efforts to create more effective learning strategies.

We use Mackeracher (2007) to define the brain, a physical structures that work together to form the biological basis for mental activity.  Although touched on in the discussion topics such as emotion and context are not reviewed at length.  There is also no consideration of the impact of physical impairment of brain structures and their impact on learning. 


Brain Activity

The brain is a part of the central nervous system which also includes the spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.  It is made up of trillions of nerve cells called neurons.  Merriam (2008) says to describe neurons:

Imagine a child’s sketch of a tree Roots, think base, slender trunk, and leafy branches.  In the Brain, an electrochemical signal starts at the “roots” (dendrites) flows to the “base” (cell body), up the “trunk” (axon) and then to the “branches” (axon terminals) (p.50)


In the brain neurons cluster together to form networks that trade information that is based on our experiences both internal and external to ourselves.  These neural networks are what constitute learning (Fisherbank, 98/99).  As we continue to experience our world the brain is able to form more complex networks that help us adapt and thrive.  On the other hand, networks that are associated with experiences that no longer occur or that are infrequent wither and disappear.  Kolb, Gibb, and Robinson state:

The underlying assumption of studies of brain and behavioral plasticity is that if behavior changes, there must be some change in organization or properties of the neural circuitry that produces the behavior.  Conversely, if neural networks are changed by experience, there must be some corresponding change in the functions mediated by those networks. (pp.1)


The electrochemical exchanges that occur between neurons take shape in the form of brain waves.  These brain waves occur with varying levels of frequency and determine an individual’s level of conscious awareness and focus of attention (Boucouvalas, 1993).  There are five levels of brain wave activity they include:

       I.            Gamma waves - very rapid occurring at 26-40 cycles per second (cps) and are associated with states of agitation, distress, high anxiety, and euphoria.

    II.            Beta waves – rapid occurring at 13- 26 cps are associated with conscious awareness and alert attention to what is occurring in the outside world.  This level is associated with learning and daily activities.

 III.            Alpha waves – slower 8-13 cps and are associated with the individual’s being awake but relaxed and not engaged in deliberate thought; attention is balanced between the outer and inner worlds and the individual moves in and out of consciousness.  This state of diffuse attention is associated with creativity and the use of imagery.

 IV.            Theta waves – slow 4-8 cps and are recorded when attention has been withdrawn from the outside world and consciousness during reverie deep meditation, or dreaming sleep.

    V.            Delta waves – very slow 3-4 cps and are recorded in deep sleep, anesthesia, or coma.  This is the state of being unconscious. (Mackeracher, 2004 p.95)


Brain Construction

The triune brain theory breaks the brain into three distinct levels each with its own function that builds on that of the prior, (Caine & Caine, 1991; Hart. 1983; MacLean, 1990).  The three levels are;


       I.            The reticular activating system or ‘reptilian brain’ which governs voluntary and involuntary muscle movement, our fight or flight response to fear, and our basic needs for food, shelter and territory.

    II.            The limbic system or ‘primitive mammalian brain’ which supervises emotions, relationships, and learning. 

 III.            The neo-cortex or ‘modern mammalian brain’ which is the realm of higher order thinking skills. (Reardon, 98/99)


While the neo-cortex oversees control of these ‘higher functions’ as stated above each level is dependent on the other in order to maintain normal system functions.  Functionality and control shifts among the three levels based on the conditions we are experiencing.  Tests have shown that under increasing levels of stress or stimulation the higher level functions of the neo cortex will shut down and control will then be given to the limbic or reticular activating system depending on the situation.  This shutting down or “down-shifting” effect caused by perceived overstimulation has considerable implication for the classroom setting.  Jensen (2005) states “nature’s biological imperative is simple: no intelligence or ability will unfold until or unless given the appropriate model environment.”

            Early learning perspectives further divided the brain into what is commonly known as its cerebral hemispheres.  Much of the discussion here has been focused on the fact that each half of the brain (left and right) provides a different type of information processing system.  Historically, priority for analytical, temporal and sequential based information is processed through the left side while Gestalt, nonlinear, spatial tasks are better suited to the right side ((Mackeracher, 2004 p.99).  This thinking oversimplifies the functions of the two hemispheres and does not take into account the many areas where overlap of function can and very often do occur.  The two must work together in order to process information that we gain through our experiences that will be used for learning.  If the two hemispheres are not working in concert true learning does not occur.

            Finally, it is tempting to think of the brain functions as similar to those of a computer which processes information in a singular fashion.  The brain is a parallel processor that controls many different functions at one time.  Caine & Caine (1991) illustrate this difference and offer several principles for brain based learning. 

                               I.            The brain is a parallel processor doing many things at once

                            II.            To learn, the brain needs to be processing information.  Delivering information only in a linear, sequential fashion

                         III.            The brain allows for both conscious and out-of-conscious learning.

                         IV.            Whatever we learn is embedded in the context in which we learn it. 

                            V.            All facilitating activities have an effect on both cerebral hemispheres, however some have a stronger effect on one hemisphere than the other. 

These principles emphasize the fact that the brain does not operate as just a more advanced computer.  We have multiple processes that are occurring at any given time as we attempt to make sense of our everyday lives.  The information that we take in during this activity is filtered through the left and right hemispheres creating patterns of data that become more easily recognized leading to comprehension and understanding.  The context of the information we process acts as a guide for our understanding and remains in a fixed state to be used as a comparison for newly gained information.


            Brain function and structural make up must be considered as a basis for all learning and developmental activities.   In an educational setting we must understand that the brain is organized in such a way that learning opportunities are limited to the environment that we establish.  This environment must provide a level of stimulation that creates adequate levels of brain activity, stimulation that leads to prolonged beta wave activity.  If the appropriate level of stimulation is not achieved brain systems are not likely to respond at an optimal level.  Too much stimulation that can occur through perceived threat shuts down higher level brain functions and eliminates opportunity for learning to occur.  Too little stimulation does not achieve the level of brain activity necessary to maintain attention and comprehension.  While these ideas are not complex they must be considered in the learning environment.

Also, we must be careful to include activates that stimulate both the analytical and synesthetic parts of the brain.  Our brains operate through a joint system that requires it to create patterns out of analytical data in order to create meaning.  While it is clear that both hemispheres function in tandem to create learning and understanding each person’s sensitivity to one side or the other is his or her own.  Facilitation must then be mindful of the material that is being presented and provide opportunities for as much cross operation as possible. 

Finally repetition is key for learning to occur.  The physical structure of the brain is made of neural networks that become more or less complex based on our experiences with the world around us.  In order to ensure ease of knowledge transfer a facilitator must create opportunities for repetition to occur that leads to pattern formation and recognition.  At this base level of development and information processing it is clear that the more an activity is repeated the more the brain creates pathways to understanding.  At the same time, the elastic nature of the brain leaves activities that are that go repeated or that are not reinforced without support systems and thus potentially discarded. 


This paper seeks to introduce and review the physical structures of the brain and how they relate to learning.  The current understanding of the brain and its functions in learning are better understood today than ever before thanks to new technologies that allow for deeper more effective identification of brain activity.  Theories reviewed focus specifically on brain activity and how to optimize its functions in a given learning setting.  Consideration is given to potential implications in these theories in the classroom setting to address potential barriers to learning.


Physical basis of learning
The Brain as a physical structure is made up of many structures that each have a unique place in learning
We must understand how the brain functions in order to maximize learning
Neurons that make up the brain change based on repetition of activity
The more an activity or concept is repeated or used continuously the easier it is to retain
Brain wave levels matter
Brain waves are a function of various levels of activity and must maintain a certain level in order to ensure learning
Appropriate levels of stimulation are necessary to achieve desired learning.  Stimulation can’t be too extreme or too passive must be in synch
Brain Systems are not individual
The Brain is built to function as a whole system. Triune Brain includes Reticular Activating, Limbic and Neo-Cortex.  Also considered are Right and Left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex
Systems cannot function individually facilitation of learning must include the entire brain and all its functions.
The Brain is not a computer
The Brain is a dual processing system with multiple functions occurring at once
We must follow specific guidelines in order to insure that the brain is operating at optimal levels and that the desired learning can occur



Boucouvalas, M. (1993). Consciousness and learning: New and renewed approaches.

In S.B. Merriam (Ed.). An update on adult learning theory. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, no. 57 (pp. 57-68). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

 Cain, R.N., & Caine, G. (1991). Making connections: Teaching and the human brain. 

Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Fisherbank, Sara J (Winter 98/99).  Learning and the Brain. Adult Learning, vol. 10 (Issue 2), p 18

Jensen, E. (2005). Teaching with the brain in mind (2nd Rev. ed.), Motivation and rewards (pp. 62-70).

Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Mackeracher, D. (2004). Making sense of adult learning. (2nd ed.). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Merriam, Sharan B. (2008) Third Update on Adult Learning Theory. Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Reardon, Mark (Winter 98/99). The Brain.  Adult Learning, vol. 10 (Issue 2), p 10






Saturday, September 14, 2013


This blog will serve as an exploration of the brain and the mind as they relate to adult development and learning.  I would like to explore how the developed physical structures that make up the brain work in concert with the theoretical construct of the mind to process our experiences both internal and external, leading to learning and understanding.